wf Name of the Establishment/Business * wf Business Telephone contacts * wf Contact Person * wf E-mail Address * wf website * wf Business Address * wf Capacity(e.g. number of beds, transport) * wf Nature of Business * - Select -AccommodationTour operationsTravel agenciesTour GuidesRestaurantsCulture and Heritage productsConference FacilitiesFunction VenueOther wf Business Registration Number * wf Grading * - Select -12345Not GradedNot Applicable wf Region * - Select -EhlazeniGert SibandeNkangalaBohlabelo wf Female * % wf Male * % wf Youth * % wf Disabled * % wf Race * - Select -AfricanWhiteColouredIndianOther... Race Other... wf BEE Code(Level) * - Select -12345678 wf GPS Codes (where the business is situated) * wf Other information / Comments(e.g. Employment Equity, Capacity) Ownership and Control Status: Tourism Products